美育 非常重視各位會員的隱私權。請您於提供個人資料前閱讀以下相關隱私權保護政策的內容。
本政策不適用於非美育 所有,也不適用於非美育 僱用或管理之人。
在您註冊美育 帳號、使用美育 產品或服務、參加贈獎及抽獎活動時,美育 會蒐集您的個人資料。
當您在美育 註冊時,我們會詢問您的姓名(中文)、電子郵件地址、出生日期、性別及郵遞區號等資料。在您使用某些特定服務時,我們可能還會詢問您的住址、信用卡資料等相關資料。在您註冊美育 帳號並登入我們的服務後,我們就能辨別您的身分。 美育 須用之會員個人資料極為精簡,故資料欄位均屬必填欄位,若您不提供該等資料則無法使用相關的美育 產品及服務。美育 也自動接收並記錄您的IP位址。
在您使用美育 產品及服務期間,美育 可將資料用作以下用途:滿足您對產品和服務的要求、改進我們的服務、聯絡您、進行研究。
美育 蒐集、處理及利用個人資料之特定目的如下:會員管理與服務、資訊通訊服務、網路購物、廣告、商業行為以及其他契約、類似契約或法律關係管理之事務或業務。
除非是為了向您提供您所要求的產品或服務、獲得您的授權,或有下列情形,否則美育 不會向任何非相關人士或非關係企業提供您的個人資料,或與之分享:
● 我們向已簽署保密協議書之代表美育 執行業務或與我們共事的值得信賴的合作夥伴提供這些資料。這些公司可能會將您的個人資料用於協助美育 就我們和行銷夥伴所提供產品及服務的事宜,與您進行溝通。但這些公司無獨立權利分享這些資料。
● 我們對傳票、法院命令或法律程序作出回應、取得或行使法律權利,或對訴訟上之請求提出防禦。
● 我們認為為了調查和防止非法活動、涉嫌詐欺、對人身安全有潛在威脅的狀況、對美育 服務條款的違反,或為了對上述情形採取應對措施,或法律另有規定,而有必要分享您的個人資料時。
● 如果美育 全部或部分業務被其他公司收購或合併,我們會將您的個人資料移轉給該公司。如果發生這種情況,美育 會在您的個人資料被移轉且將適用不同的隱私權政策前通知您。
您可隨時查詢、閱覽及修改個人美育 帳號資料。
美育 會將發送活動eDM至您的帳號信箱,您若欲停止收到此類eDM,可按照所收訊息中的指示取消訂閱這些訊息。 如果您要刪除您的美育 帳號,請與我們聯繫meiyu@kidsmusic.com.tw
我們會將有權存取您個人資料之員工限於我們合理相信是為了向您提供產品或服務或為了完成工作而需要取得這些資料的員工。 我們已採取符合法規要求的實體、電子和程序防護措施,以保護您個人資料的安全。
美育 可不時修訂本政策。當我們在個人資料的處理上有重大變更時,會將通知傳送到您在美育 帳號的電子郵件地址,或在我們的網站上張貼告示。
進入您 Facebook 個人檔案的應用程式和網站設定頁籤:https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=applications
1. 產品均享有7天猶豫期之權益(注意!猶豫期非試用期),若退/換回產品非全新狀態且包裝完整,將影響您的退貨權益及需負擔回復原狀責任。
2. 商品運費計價方式將明載於網頁中,如未有記載將由本公司或商家負擔。
3. 消費未滿3000元將酌收80元物流處理費(後續發生退貨者,運費將不予以退還)。
4. 當日15:50前完成的訂單,約5個工作天內出貨(週日、國定假日不配送)。
Meiyu 線上購物的消費者,都可以依照消費者保護法的規定,享有商品貨到次日起七天猶豫期的權益。但猶豫期並非試用期,請留意,您所退回的商品必須回復原狀(須回復至商品到貨時的原始狀態)並且保持完整包裝(包括商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性),切勿缺漏任何配件或損毀原廠外盒。
MEIYU WONWON Privacy Policy
MEIYU WONWON, Inc. (hereinafter referred as “Company”) will handle, in accordance with the following policy, the personal information including the private information obtained from our customers (“User” or “Users”) when they use our Company service (“Service”).
Data Manager:MEIYU WONWON, Inc.
1. Obtaining personal information
2. Purpose of use of information
3. Providing Users’ information to third parties
4. Transfer of the Users’ information
5. Measures taken in response to requirement of disclosure and such like
6. Assessment on Users’ trends
7. Security measures for Users’ information
8. Storage period of personal information
9. Notification of altered privacy policy
10. Inquiries
Any inquiry about this privacy policy may be communicated to: app@kidsmusic.com.tw
11. Shipping process
Shipping time:
5 working days to arrive in Taiwan
12. Delivery methods
Delivered via home delivery. Unless otherwise indicated on the website, all items are delivered at room temperature.
If the product ordered by the consumer cannot be delivered after two deliveries, and the company cannot be contacted by phone or email for more than three days, the company will cancel the order and issue a full refund.
13. Delivery range
Limited to the main island of Taiwan and the outlying islands. Note, some outlying islands, including Lianjiang Matsu, Ludao, Lanyu, Ryukyu Township, etc., will be delivered to the dock of the shore shipping company, and the consignee should be asked to pick up the goods at the dock. Notice! The delivery address should not be a PO Box.
Note: Installation products, mobile phone number products, oversized materials and four-machine products will not be delivered in outlying islands.
14. Regarding returns
Consumers who shop online at Meiyu can enjoy a seven-day hesitation period from the day after the goods arrive in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law. However, the hesitation period is not a trial period. Please note that the returned product must be returned to its original state (it must be returned to the original state when the product arrived) and kept in a complete package (including the product body, accessories, gifts, warranty, original packaging and all the integrity of the accompanying documents or materials), do not miss any accessories or damage the original box.
If the goods you purchase are perishable goods, goods with a short shelf life, customized goods, newspapers, periodicals, magazines, according to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, you will not be able to enjoy the seven-day hesitation period and cannot apply for return the goods.
If you have purchased audio-visual products, computer software or personal hygiene products that cannot be returned to their original state once they are opened, please do not open the package until you are not sure whether to return the package. According to the provisions of the law, they cannot enjoy the seven-day hesitation period and cannot handle returns.
If you purchase digital content that is not provided in a tangible medium or an online service that is completed once it is provided, it will only be provided after your prior consent. According to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, you will not be able to enjoy the seven-day hesitation period. Returns are not allowed.
If you need to return the goods, please click “Contact Meiyu” on the webpage, and the customer service staff will serve you. We will review your return request within 1 working day from the day after receiving the application. – Mail reply to notify you, and will entrust the home delivery company designated by the company to contact you by phone within 5 working days to retrieve the returned goods. Please keep the phone open, and prepare the original product and all packaging and accessories so that it can be delivered to the home delivery company designated by the company for retrieval (the home delivery company is only responsible for receiving the goods, and the returned goods are still checked by the special manufacturer). The receipt will be provided to you after the package is completed, please keep it.
When returning the goods, please use the outer packaging (carton or packaging bag) used by the company or the special manufacturer to send the goods to you, and deliver the original package to the home delivery company who came to pick up the goods; if the company or the special manufacturer sends the goods to you The outer packaging (carton or packaging bag) used when the product was delivered to you has been lost. Please pack the product in another appropriate packaging box in addition to the original outer box of the product. Do not allow the delivery note to be directly pasted on the original product. or written text on the outer box.
Remind you that the original outer box and original packaging are part of the product. If there is any loss, damage or missing parts, it may affect your right to return the product, and may also deduct the necessary expenses for restoring the original state according to the degree of damage.
If you request a return or exchange, or because the company cannot accept all or part of your order, or because the contract is cancelled or invalid, you agree that the company can process the invoice on your behalf. Or the documents required by the relevant laws and regulations, such as the discount slip, so that the company can handle the refund for you.
After the company receives your application, if it is confirmed that it is correct, it will return the consideration you have paid (including credit card transactions) in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, and will send an E-mail notification letter on the day of the refund. to you.